Using the Internet

Grade 6 lesson 06 – Using the Internet for collecting Information and Communication Download Grade 06 Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Lesson six paper in Sinhala medium. You can download the PDF file from the link below. It’s free to download. The Question Paper Covers The Following Points. Identifies Internet as a collection of shareable…

Algorithm and Flow Charts

Grade 6 lesson 05 – Algorithm and Flow Chart Download Grade 06 Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Lesson five paper in Sinhala medium. You can download the PDF file from the link below. It’s free to download. The Question Paper Covers The Following Points. Relates practical problem-solving process to an algorithm. Making of algorithm according…

Using Mouse and Keyboard

Grade 6 lesson 04 – Using Mouse and Keyboard to use Application Software Download Grade 06 Information & Communication Technology (ICT) lesson four paper in Sinhala medium. You can download the PDF file from the link below. It’s free to download. The Question Paper Covers The Following Points. Uses text editing and drawing software effectively…

Importance of Computer

Grade 6 lesson 01 – Importance of Computer Download Grade 06 Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Lesson one Paper in Sinhala medium. You can download the PDF file from the link below. It’s free to download. The Question Paper Covers The Following Points. Explains the functions of the computer and its characteristics Basic components of…