
Grade 11 Pascal Programming MCQ | English Medium
pascal programming

Download Grade 11 Pascal Programming MCQ Paper in English medium. You can download the PDF file from the link below. It’s free to download.

  • Information & Communication Technology | Grade 11

  • Lesson N0 01 - Programming

  • 2016 to 2022 MCQ With Answers

The Question Paper Covers The Following Points.
  1. Analyzes the problem.
  2. Uses control structures in developing algorithms to solve problems.
  3. Uses different tools to present algorithms.
  4. Uses data types in programming.
  5. Uses operators in programming.
  6. Develops programs involving selection control structure.
  7. Develops programs involving basic iterations.
  8. Develops programs with nested control structures.
  9. Develops programs using one dimensional arrays.
  10. Structures programs through the use of sub-programs.
  11. Explores the evolution of programming languages.
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